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Perform set operations element-wise on two lists of equal length.


nb_union(x, y)

nb_intersect(x, y)

nb_setdiff(x, y)



list of class nb


list of class nb


A list of class nb


  • nb_union() returns the union of elements in each element of x and y

  • nb_intersect() returns the intersection of elements in each element of x and y

  • nb_setdiff() returns the difference of elements in each element of x and y


nb <- st_contiguity(guerry$geometry)
nb_knn <- st_knn(guerry$geometry, k = 3)
#> ! Polygon provided. Using point on surface.
nb_setdiff(nb, nb_knn)
#> Neighbour list object:
#> Number of regions: 85 
#> Number of nonzero links: 176 
#> Percentage nonzero weights: 2.435986 
#> Average number of links: 2.070588 
#> 16 regions with no links:
#> 5 7 8 13 20 23 27 55 57 60 62 63 64 66 71 79
#> 10 disjoint connected subgraphs
#> Non-symmetric neighbours list
nb_union(nb, nb_knn)
#> Neighbour list object:
#> Number of regions: 85 
#> Number of nonzero links: 431 
#> Percentage nonzero weights: 5.965398 
#> Average number of links: 5.070588 
#> Non-symmetric neighbours list
nb_intersect(nb, nb_knn)
#> Neighbour list object:
#> Number of regions: 85 
#> Number of nonzero links: 244 
#> Percentage nonzero weights: 3.377163 
#> Average number of links: 2.870588 
#> Non-symmetric neighbours list