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Calculate global join count measure for a categorical variable.


  alternative = "greater",
  nsim = 499,
  allow_zero = FALSE,

global_jc_test(fx, nb, wt, alternative = "greater", allow_zero = NULL, ...)

tally_jc(fx, nb, wt, allow_zero = TRUE, ...)



a factor or character vector of the same length as nb.


a neighbor list object for example as created by st_contiguity().


a weights list as created by st_weights().


default "two.sided". Should be one of "greater", "less", or "two.sided" to specify the alternative hypothesis.


number of simulations to run.


If TRUE, assigns zero as lagged value to zone without neighbors.


additional arguments passed to methods


an object of class jclist which is a list where each element is of class htest and mc.sim.



geo <- sf::st_geometry(guerry)
nb <- st_contiguity(geo)
wt <- st_weights(nb, style = "B")
fx <- guerry$region
global_jc_perm(fx, nb, wt)
#> 	Monte-Carlo simulation of join-count statistic
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> number of simulations + 1: 500 
#> Join-count statistic for C = 35, rank of observed statistic = 500,
#> p-value = 0.002
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#>     mean of simulation variance of simulation 
#>               7.893788               5.781869 
#> 	Monte-Carlo simulation of join-count statistic
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> number of simulations + 1: 500 
#> Join-count statistic for E = 29, rank of observed statistic = 500,
#> p-value = 0.002
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#>     mean of simulation variance of simulation 
#>               7.875752               5.779712 
#> 	Monte-Carlo simulation of join-count statistic
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> number of simulations + 1: 500 
#> Join-count statistic for N = 29, rank of observed statistic = 500,
#> p-value = 0.002
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#>     mean of simulation variance of simulation 
#>               8.078156               6.305124 
#> 	Monte-Carlo simulation of join-count statistic
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> number of simulations + 1: 500 
#> Join-count statistic for S = 32, rank of observed statistic = 500,
#> p-value = 0.002
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#>     mean of simulation variance of simulation 
#>               7.831663               6.296907 
#> 	Monte-Carlo simulation of join-count statistic
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> number of simulations + 1: 500 
#> Join-count statistic for W = 31, rank of observed statistic = 500,
#> p-value = 0.002
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#>     mean of simulation variance of simulation 
#>               8.098196               6.570659 

global_jc_test(fx, nb, wt)
#> 	Join count test under nonfree sampling
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> Std. deviate for C = 10.886, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#> Same colour statistic           Expectation              Variance 
#>             35.000000              8.000000              6.151883 
#> 	Join count test under nonfree sampling
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> Std. deviate for E = 8.4667, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#> Same colour statistic           Expectation              Variance 
#>             29.000000              8.000000              6.151883 
#> 	Join count test under nonfree sampling
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> Std. deviate for N = 8.4667, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#> Same colour statistic           Expectation              Variance 
#>             29.000000              8.000000              6.151883 
#> 	Join count test under nonfree sampling
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> Std. deviate for S = 9.6763, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#> Same colour statistic           Expectation              Variance 
#>             32.000000              8.000000              6.151883 
#> 	Join count test under nonfree sampling
#> data:  fx 
#> weights: listw 
#> Std. deviate for W = 9.2731, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#> Same colour statistic           Expectation              Variance 
#>             31.000000              8.000000              6.151883 

tally_jc(fx, nb, wt)
#>      joincount expected  variance    z-value joins
#> C:C         35        8  6.151883  10.885785   C:C
#> E:E         29        8  6.151883   8.466721   E:E
#> N:N         29        8  6.151883   8.466721   N:N
#> S:S         32        8  6.151883   9.676253   S:S
#> W:W         31        8  6.151883   9.273076   W:W
#> E:C          8       17 12.887676  -2.507005   E:C
#> N:C          7       17 12.887676  -2.785561   N:C
#> N:E          8       17 12.887676  -2.507005   N:E
#> S:C          7       17 12.887676  -2.785561   S:C
#> S:E          5       17 12.887676  -3.342673   S:E
#> S:N          0       17 12.887676  -4.735454   S:N
#> W:C          9       17 12.887676  -2.228449   W:C
#> W:E          0       17 12.887676  -4.735454   W:E
#> W:N          3       17 12.887676  -3.899786   W:N
#> W:S          7       17 12.887676  -2.785561   W:S
#> Jtot        54      170 30.848971 -20.885152  Jtot